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Guidelines for attending an outdoor Class and classes at Dorridge Village Hall

Please read the following guidelines which are in place to help protect you and others whilst enjoying a face-to-face exercise session and protecting against the risk of contracting or spreading the COVID-19 virus.


These guidelines are in line with those issued by the Government which we ask every class member to follow:

  1. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, stay at home and follow the Government's guidelines.

  2. The number of class participants will be strictly limited with regular reviews to ensure social distancing can be maintained.

  3. ​The number of members in a class at anyone time, will be 30, 29 plus the instructor in an outdoor class or 20 at Dorridge Village Hall. 

  4. You must book online if you wish to attend a class as participants are limited and we can track and trace you if anyone who has come to a recent class tests positive . You can click the link above which will take you to

  5. ​There will not be any facilities for you to use in an outdoor class, so please come prepared with your own water bottle, (easily identified by you -label or make it personalised to you with a sticker or hair band to avoid mix ups) and use the loo before you come to the class.​ 

  6. Please do not use a face mask whilst exercising - you will not be required to wear face coverings

  7. Keep a social distance between yourself and any other member who is not a member of your social bubble.

  8. Sanitise your hands before and after the class and avoid contact with your face. 

  9. When arriving at the outdoor venue, there are plenty of spaces to park and please wait in your car until 5 minutes before the start of the class. In an outdoor class, please walk up to where the class is being held and find a space in between the cones marked out to help us all maintain a safe distance throughout the class.

  10. For classes at Dorridge Village Hall, again please do not enter the building until 5 minutes before the start of the class and come in through the main entrance and no other door. You can sanitize your  hands using any of the two the hand sanitizers on the left as you walk through the front door. There are more sanitiser stations on the left as you walk past the kitchen. 

  11. There will not be any sharing of equipment at any of the classes. Please ensure you remember to bring your own mat to Pilates and Kettlebell or weights to BootCamp. Please contact me to borrow one which will be fully sanitised. 

  12. Due to the level of intensity and fun factor of the Zumba Gold Class and Outdoor Zumba class music,  you must not whoop, shout out, or cheer.​

  13. Unless you are exercising in a class beforehand, you should arrive for your pre-booked class no more than 5 minutes in advance and you should leave immediately through the back right fire door of Dorridge Village Hall when the class is finished .​

  14. Please avoid congregating in the hall.


Please bear in mind that these guidelines are issued directly by the Government and are intended to keep you and your fellow class members safe.

I am so looking forward to seeing everyone!

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